Arizona Plein Air Painters

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Gilbert Riparian Preserve

We had a great turnout for our Gilbert Riparian Preserve paint out this morning! I, somehow, aimlessly wandered down to the back forty and ended up painting alone. Not quite alone. There were a few egrets, a pelican, an owl and a bunch of ducks. Seems the rest of the APAP group painted up front near the ramada and got some great paintings. Luckily, Matt Sterbenz got a few pictures. (That's Matt painting in the banner image at the top of this post.)

Brian Cote

Kim Eggemeyer

What I got, besides my commune with nature, a half-finished painting, and a sudden hankering to become a bird watcher, was wet! It was a long walk from the back forty to the car in the rain. Still, what's plein air painting without some weather? Can't wait to do it again!